As you probably saw over on Instagram, I participated in the Youfoodz 70/30 Weight–Loss Movement over the last four weeks. With many of you asking, I thought I would write more about my experience and why I did it.
Eating was my biggest downfall before starting this lifestyle change. I would eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, like hot chips and creamy frappes. It saw my weight starting to spiral. I knew what I was doing was wrong. I knew it would get worse if I didn’t do anything about it.
When I came across the Youfoodz 70/30 Weight–Loss Movement, I instantly felt like it would work for me. It’s a super simple concept: a 70/30 lifestyle balance, which really put things into perspective.
The Youfoodz 70/30 is based around dedicating 70% of yourweekly diet to clean and healthy Youfoodz meals and the other 30% for ‘whatevs’. Whether I wanted to drink that glass of rosé, eat a $1 Mars Bar, or have some fresh bread from the bakery, I didn’t have to feel guilty.
Life is so short and I think it’s important to enjoy all of it!
I’m not a ‘new’ Whitney, I’m the same Whitney, just healthier, happier, and more balanced. I’ve started to love taking care of myself and accept all of me, inside out. I’m sleeping better, thinking clearer, feeling stronger, and being the all–round best version of myself.
These are some of the reasons why I absolutely love the Youfoodz 70/30Weight-Loss Movement:
My favourite Youfoodz treat is the Chocolate Natural Protein Powder; it satisfied my cravings for a frappe like you wouldn’t believe!
And it was super simple! Some protein powder, a handful of ice cubes, and some skim milk, and it tasted creamy AF and delish! I think I’m gonna need a life supply. I look forward to having it every morning.
After four great weeks on the Youfoodz 70/30, I’m a couple of kilos lighter, happier, and much more content in myself.
Whit xx
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